

Endometriosis is tissue that resembles the uterine lining but is located outside the uterine cavity. Depending on the menstrual cycle, this can cause cramp-like pain. The removal of endometriosis is usually performed laparoscopically, meaning through abdominal surgery without a major abdominal incision.

Information for patients:

Different types of endometriosis include:

1. Superficial peritoneal endometriosis, which occurs on the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity).
2. Ovarian endometriosis with maximal preservation of ovarian reserve, which primarily affects the ovary. Preserving ovarian reserve is a priority during the removal of this type of endometriosis.
3. Deep infiltrating endometriosis, which typically involves organs such as the intestines, bladder, or ureters.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Endometriosis

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus and extends beyond (endometrium tissue), grows outside the uterus. This tissue can settle on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum, and other organs in the pelvic region.

What symptoms does endometriosis cause?

Symptoms of endometriosis can include severe menstrual cramps, pain during intercourse, chronic pelvic pain, pain during urination or bowel movements, infertility, and other discomforts.

How is endometriosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of endometriosis is usually based on a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging techniques such as vaginal ultrasound or, less commonly, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A definitive diagnosis often requires laparoscopic surgery, during which tissue samples are taken.

Is there a cure for endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic condition for which there is currently no definitive cure. Treatment aims to alleviate symptoms, slow disease progression, minimize complications, and prevent the destruction of adjacent organs such as ureters, nerves, bladder, and bowel.

What treatment options are available for endometriosis?

Treatment options for endometriosis include pain medication, hormone therapy, and complementary therapy. Often, surgical removal of endometriotic tissue (laparoscopic surgery) is indicated. In some cases of infertility, assisted reproduction techniques may be possible or necessary.

Can lifestyle changes help control endometriosis?

Yes, some lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, stress management techniques, and alternative therapies can help alleviate symptoms of endometriosis and improve quality of life.

Can endometriosis cause infertility?

Yes, endometriosis can lead to infertility by affecting the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. However, timely diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of successful pregnancy.

How can I find a qualified doctor for the treatment of my endometriosis?

The Gateway Clinics specialize in endometriosis. Our gynecologists and endometriosis specialists have extensive experience and expertise in treating this condition. Feel free to reach out to us for further questions or find more information on our website.

Can endometriosis lead to other health problems?

Yes, untreated endometriosis can lead to other health problems, including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and other gynecological conditions such as adenomyosis or ovarian cysts.

Where can I get more information about endometriosis?

The Gateway Clinics specialize in endometriosis. Feel free to contact us at any time for further questions or find more information on our website. Additionally, we recommend consulting the following literature by our specialist Prof. Tinneberg: TINNEBERG,H.-R. Kapitel 5, in „Endometriose-Ganzheitlich verstehen und behandeln-Ein Ratgeber“, E. Becherer und A. Schindler (Hrsg.), Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart, 4. Auflage, (2023)



Gateway Clinics GmbH
Amelia-Mary-Earhart Straße 17
60549 Frankfurt am Main

phone +49 69 348709640
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